Monday, February 10
10 AM - NOON Turkish Coffee Reading by Affiliate, Alice Totillo
Turkish Coffee Reading is an ancient method of divination, passed down the generations.
As an Armenian, the exquisite Alice Totillo was blessed to have been exposed to this tradition. Turkish Coffee Reading entails interpreting patterns of coffee grounds in a cup as well as the saucer. Not only is this custom entertaining, the symbols that take shape from the patterns in the coffee grounds provide insight, inspiration and guidance, similar to dream interpretation.
Alice has mastered the art of this practice, and you are in for treat! In this demonstration,
Alice will explain the steps to a traditional Turkish Coffee Reading, and any participants who wish to follow along will be receiving a personal reading . Join us in the fun! If you're interested in Alice, you may find more information on her personal website:
1 PM - 3 PM Understanding the Energy Body by Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman
This is a beginner's class during which Cathy will be discussing the anatomy and "intelligence" of our energy bodies, as well as providing simple tips and "tricks" on how to heal and maintain ALL systems within the energy body. Particularly, you will be introduced to major energy systems referred to as the Aura, Chakras, Meridians and Radiant Circuits, and you will learn how these systems communicate with one other.
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Learn Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine by Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman
Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman, will be explaining and instructing
Donna' Eden's Daily Energy Routine, which is a simple 7-minute routine that harmonizes the energy body and promotes wellness. Through a method of Kinesiology called muscle testing, Cathy will ensure each attendee is self-administering the correct variant of each exercise, most suitable to their personal range of motion and the condition of their energy body. There will be plenty of time for questions and practice. By the end of the class, you'll be leaving with a hard copy of the routine, feeling confidant, chipper and fully energized!
6 PM - 7:30 House-Tree-Person Art Therapy Assessment, by Art Therapist, Pat Thurman
For individuals curious about the benefits of art therapy, Pat will be guiding participants through the fascinating “House-Tree-Person” Assessment, which requires simple pencil drawings of a house, tree and a person (no art skill necessary). The Assessment is designed to reveal deep, subconscious factors influencing a person's life. This exercise is entertaining as well as thought provoking... So, bring your friends! You'll learn a lot about each other!