Saturday, February 8
10 AM - 11 AM Coffee, Tea & Positive Affirmations by Life Coach & Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman
Join Cathy for a warm-up of energy medicine, followed by hot beverages and biscotti,
while she shares a powerful list of affirmations and explains exactly how they work.
11 AM - NOON Crystal Singing Bowl Mediation by Affiliate, Bev Paul
Bev is a retired entrepreneur as well as an insightful and entertaining blogger. Currently, she dedicates her time as a Group Meditation and Mindfulness Practitioner. One of her greatest passions is working with children and introducing them to the concept of meditation in fun, creative ways. Her spiritual path lead her to the physical and emotional benefits of sound healing. Bev will be sharing her story, providing information on her mindful practice, facilitating a meditation and dazzling the audience with the deep, penetrating music of her singing bowls, known to relax and repair the mind.
1 PM - 1:30 PM Service Description by Psychiatric Mental Heath Nurse Practitioner, Clarese Basile
Clarese is a tender, loving soul at Heroic Heart. Utilizing 25 years experience in mental health, she individualizes her approach to address symptoms, past trauma and life stress, which may include therapy and/or medication, Her role is to educate clients on their best options
and to co-create a treatment plan. Clarese's services include psychiatric evaluations and psychopharmacology in relation to trauma, stress disorders, depression, anxiety, alcoholism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She is multi-talented, and we look forward to her sharing her additional gifts at Heroic Heart. If you are interested in Clarese, you may find more information on her personal website:
Meet the Affiliates of Heroic Heart for Refreshments, Fun and Free Gift Certificate Drawings!
During this event, hosts Pat & Cathy Thurman will be introducing Heroic Heart's panel of Affiliates. Each Affiliate will be describing their services and will be available to answer any questions. Meanwhile, you get to tour the center. Around 3:45 PM, we'll be conducting a drawing for free gift certificates.
4:30 - 6 PM House-Tree-Person Art Therapy Assessment, by Art Therapist, Pat Thurman
For individuals curious about the benefits of art therapy, Pat will be guiding participants through the fascinating “House-Tree-Person” Assessment, which requires simple pencil drawings of a house, tree and a person (no art skill necessary). The Assessment is designed to reveal deep, subconscious factors influencing a person's life. This exercise is entertaining as well as thought provoking... So, bring your friends! You'll learn a lot about each other!
6 PM - 7:30 PM Service Description by Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman
Cathy's prior career in Audiology is what introduced her to the benefits of sound therapy. Adrenal Failure is what lead her to learning additional methods of energy medicine.
For the last ten years, Cathy has been professionally practicing a combination of methods that she has found to jump-start and maintain wellness. Join Cathy as she explains and demonstrates every step to her "40-Minute Energy Balancer". Audience participation is welcome, and Cathy invites any interested parties to hop onto her massage table to directly experience her methods. The "40-Minute Energy Balancer" is a service Cathy offers at
Heroic Heart every Wednesday and Saturday. It is a whole-body energy balancer that harmonizes all energy systems in the energy body, utilizing methods of Eden Energy Medicine, Reflexology, Advanced Reiki, Crystals, Tuning Fork Therapy, and Spectra-Hue Light Therapy. Since energy medicine is rarely covered by health insurance, Cathy's mission is to make energy medicine both practical and affordable, and she will be offering her "40-Minute" Energy Balancer for $20 per session.