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Tuesday, February 11

10 AM - NOON          Basic Energy Medicine for Pets  by Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman

This is a beginner's class during which Cathy will be discussing the anatomy and "intelligence" of your pet's energy body.  She will discuss and demonstrate methods on how to balance your own energy field, prior to working on your pet for maximum results.  You will learn a daily energy routine on how to balance and maintain all systems within your Pet's energy body.  Particularly, you will be introduced to major energy systems referred to as the Aura, Chakras, Meridians and Radiant Circuits, and you will learn how to harmonize these systems, using hands-on and hand-off methods (even a little "color therapy").  In addition, you will learn how to surrogate muscle test on your Pet's behalf to determine whether foods and/or medications are harmful or beneficial for your beloved family member!  Although, this class is predominatley for "4-legged" friends, Cathy will be covering some techniques for bird owners.  PLEASE NOTE:  This is an instructional class for PET OWNERS ONLY, and not your pet.  Although Cathy is an animal lover and would enjoy meeting your pet, animals unfortunately are not allowed in our office building, unless they are "service" certified.  Don't worry, you will get plenty of hands-on practice, playing around and honing your newfound skills with Cathy's cuddly, stuffed "Lama".  For future reference, Cathy regularly works with animals and conducts house calls for her furry clients, so that they can receive healing in the comfort and safety of their own home.

1 PM - 2:30 PM           40-Minute Energy Balancer Demonstration  by Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman

Cathy's prior career in Audiology is what introduced her to the benefits of sound therapy.

Adrenal Failure is what lead her to learning additional methods of energy medicine.

For the last ten years, Cathy has been professionally practicing a combination of methods

that she has found to jump-start and maintain wellness.  Join Cathy as she explains and demonstrates every step to her "40-Minute Energy Balancer".  Audience participation is welcome, and Cathy invites any interested parties to hop onto her massage table to directly experience

her methods.  The "40-Minute Energy Balancer" is a service Cathy offers at Heroic Heart every Wednesday and Saturday.  It is a whole-body energy balancer that harmonizes all energy systems in the energy body, utilizing methods of Eden Energy Medicine, Reflexology, Advanced Reiki, Crystals, Tuning Fork Therapy, and Spectra-Hue Light Therapy.  Since energy medicine is rarely covered by health insurance, Cathy's mission is to make energy medicine both practical and affordable, and she will be offering her "40-Minute" Energy Balancer for $20 per session.

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM      5 Basic Hand Mudras for Weight Loss  by Energy Medicine Practitioner, Cathy Thurman

Imagine losing weight while sitting!  That's the power of hand mudras...  It's just a matter of learning how and making mudra practice a daily ritual.  Mudra means “gesture".   Yoga mudras are hand gestures that facilitate flow throughout your energy body.  Sluggish metabolism is generally an outcome of sluggish energy in your field.  In this class, you will be learning five different hand postures that will help ignite your inner fire, promote digestion and increase your metabolism.  The best part of mudras is that we can get to know each other better while holding the hand postures and share secrets (secret sharing optional).

4 PM - 5 PM               Understanding Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis,  by Hypnosis Practitioner, Cathy Thurman

Dolores Cannon was a Past Life Regression Therapist, who stumbled across a pathway to directly connect and dialogue with not only an individual's higher self, but also the collective unconscious.  Consequently, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a unique form a past life regression hypnosis, which generally results in deep healing.  In this class, Cathy will walk you through the steps of her approach to QHHT from an Energy Medicine and Life Coaching perspective.  For those who wish to participate, the class will conclude with a short group, past-live regression actitivity.

6 PM - 8 PM              Turkish Coffee Reading  by Affiliate, Alice Totillo

Turkish Coffee Reading is an ancient method of divination, passed down the generations.

As an Armenian, the exquisite Alice Totillo was blessed to have been exposed to this tradition.  Turkish Coffee Reading entails interpreting patterns of coffee grounds in a cup as well as the saucer.  Not only is this custom entertaining, the symbols that take shape from the patterns in the coffee grounds provide insight, inspiration and guidance, similar to dream interpretation.

Alice has mastered the art of this practice, and you are in for treat!  In this demonstration,

Alice will explain the steps to a traditional Turkish Coffee Reading, and any participants who wish to follow along will be receiving a personal reading .  Join us in the fun!  If you're interested in Alice, you may find more information on her personal website:

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